
We are joining in the message to stay home and stay safe.
The Victorian Government is also assisting public housing tenants during the pandemic by not including any Commonwealth Government financial stimulus payments in rent assessments over the coming months. The rent of public housing tenants will not increase as the extra payments come through — making sure the assistance helps anyone in financial hardship.
For more information, visit Victorian Government's Corona Virus website.
Call the Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398 for advice if you have any symptoms
Here are some helpful links – answering your questions about COVID19 and how to get help if you need it from Lifeline - 13 11 14
- Your COVID-19 Questions Answered - Victorian Government
- Mental Health and Wellbeing during COVID-19 - Lifeline
SBS has COVID19 information translated into many languages. Click this link to find yours - SBS Coronavirus Information
Audible is a helpful link for children learning at home, a free service for audio books and activities to do at home.
While we have time on our hands, we will be posting some new photos from our work before CORONAVIRUS19 restrictions.
Please let us know your thoughts and share these links with family and friends.